Global Wellness Guru

What is Earthing(Grounding) and How Can it Improve Your Health?

What is Earthing(Grounding) and How Can it Improve Your Health?

Have you ever taken off your shoes and walked barefoot on the grass, sand, or soil? If so, you’ve experienced the therapeutic practice of “earthing” or “grounding.” This ancient tradition involves connecting directly to the Earth’s natural, negative ionic charge by going barefoot outdoors or using conductive tools indoors.

While it may seem like a simple and intuitive practice, researchers are discovering fascinating evidence about how earthing can benefit our health and well-being. From reducing inflammation and pain to improving sleep and mood, making this connection with the earth shows great promise. Let’s dig into the science and potential of earthing.

What is Earthing or Grounding?

At its core, earthing is a therapeutic technique that involves electrically reconnecting your body with the Earth[1][2]. Our planet is a stable surface of negative ionic charge from its constant bombardment by particles from the universe. When you make direct skin contact with this charge by going barefoot outside or using conductive mats and patches, your body can absorb and utilize these free electrons. 

Proponents of earthing theorize that this intake of free electrons from the Earth helps neutralize damaging free radicals in the body[1][2]. Free radicals are charged molecules that can damage cells and contribute to inflammation, disease, and aging. By “grounding” yourself to this unlimited ion reservoir, you essentially give your body a continuous supply of antioxidant electron intake. 

The Science Behind Earthing 

While the concept may sound a bit “out there,” the scientific theories behind earthing actually make a lot of sense from an electrical and biological perspective. Here’s a quick overview of the key scientific principles[1][2][3]: 

  • The Earth is a constant source of free electrons: Our planet is being continuously showered by electromagnetic radiation and particles from the sun, galaxy, and universe. This bombardment gives the earth’s surface a constant negative ionic charge or electrical potential. 
  • Our bodies are designed to be “earthed”: For millions of years, humans evolved while being naturally grounded through direct skin contact with the earth’s surface. Our cells and tissues contain conductive minerals and elements that can transfer free electrons.
  • We live in an “ungrounded” modern environment: With rubber and plastic-soled shoes, buildings, and other insulating materials separating us, humans in modern society rarely make direct contact with the earth’s electrical potential. This is a very recent change from an evolutionary perspective. 
  • Free electrons are potent antioxidants: Free electrons from the earth, when absorbed into the body, are theorized to act as mobile antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. 
  • Inflammation is the root of many diseases: Chronic inflammation caused by oxidative stress, environmental toxins, and other factors is understood to be a key driver of most chronic diseases from autoimmune conditions to cancer and heart disease. 

So in essence, earthing may help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress by reintroducing a flow of antioxidant-free electrons from the earth into our “ungrounded” bodies. With this perspective, it becomes an ancestral therapeutic practice that attempts to restore a natural electrical state for optimal health and functioning. 

Earthing’s Proposed Benefits Based on Research 

So what specific health benefits might earthing provide based on the science? While research is still emerging, here are some of the key areas where earthing appears to have positive impacts[1][2][3][8]: 

Reduces Inflammation 

A landmark review study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research in 2015 compiled research showing that grounding reduces markers of inflammation and alters the body’s immune response[1]. 

The study authors proposed that free electrons from the earth are able to permeate the body through connective tissue and neutralize reactive oxygen species that contribute to inflammation[1]. This may help prevent the formation of an “inflammatory barricade” around sites of injury/damage. 

The research showed grounded subjects had less pain and faster wound healing after induced muscle damage compared to ungrounded controls. Thermal imaging also showed a rapid reduction of inflammation in case studies. 

Improves Sleep and Reduces Stress 

One of the earliest studies on earthing examined its effects on cortisol levels, sleep, pain, and stress in 12 subjects. Participants slept grounded for 8 weeks using a conductive sheet connected to the earth[4]. The results showed[4]: 

  • Normalization of day-night cortisol rhythms
  • Improved quality of sleep 
  • Reductions in pain and stress levels 

Cortisol is often called the “stress hormone” and disrupted cortisol rhythms are linked to sleep issues, chronic stress, and inflammation. Restoring this rhythm through grounding may have cascading benefits. 

Reduces Muscle Damage and Improves Recovery 

A pilot study used an eccentric exercise protocol known to induce delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) to examine if grounding impacted recovery. Subjects either wore grounding patches on the area of muscle damage or didn’t (the control group)[5]. 

The earthed group experienced: 

  • Reduced muscle pain and damage assessed by strength tests, images, and blood markers 
  • Faster recovery times with return to baseline sooner 
  • Less inflammation measured by white blood cell and creatine kinase levels 

The theory is that grounding prevented inflammatory “collateral damage” to healthy tissue around the exercise-induced injury site. This allowed faster recovery and less soreness. 

Improves Blood Viscosity and Cardio Health 

A small study had subjects use grounding patches and mats and measured effects on red blood cell fluidity – an important factor for healthy blood flow and cardiovascular function[5]. 

The results showed grounding significantly reduced red blood cell clustering and improved viscosity compared to ungrounded controls. Since blood thinning is a common treatment to improve cardiovascular health, these findings suggest grounding could provide benefits through this mechanism. 

Reduces Pain and Improves Mood 

Several studies have examined grounding for reducing pain and improving emotional parameters like stress and depression. One involving massage therapists found that grounding mats for just one month led to[7]: 

  • Reductions in physical pain 
  • Decreased depression and stress levels 
  • Improvements in sleep quality 

Since chronic pain, inflammation, and mood disorders are intimately linked, improvements in one area through grounding may positively impact the others as well.

Other Potential Benefits 

While more research is still needed, earthing has also shown promise or been hypothesized to provide benefits for[4][5][6][7]: 

  • Autoimmune conditions through reducing inflammation 
  • Accelerated injury/wound healing 
  • Improved immune function and antioxidant status 
  • Anti-aging by reducing oxidative stress 
  • Boosting energy levels 
  • Protecting against environmental electromagnetic radiation 

Of course, more robust clinical trials are required to truly validate these effects and understand the mechanisms involved. But the preliminary research paints an intriguing picture of earthing’s therapeutic potential. 

Different Ways to Practice Earthing 

So how exactly can you practice grounding or earthing? There are a variety of methods from very simple and free to products designed to facilitate the process[1][2][3][9]: 

Go Barefoot Outdoors 

One of the easiest and most natural ways to connect with the earth is to simply take off your shoes and go barefoot on grass, sand, dirt or other conductive outdoor surfaces. This direct skin contact allows free electron transfer from the earth into your body. 

Many people find going barefoot to be a relaxing and grounding (pun intended) experience. You can incorporate it into activities like: 

  • Backyard gardening or yardwork 
  • Walking along the beach or at the park 
  • Outdoor yoga, exercise or meditation 
  • Picnicking or spending time at an outdoor venue 

Just be mindful of potential hazards outdoors like extreme temperatures, sharp objects, or unfriendly insects/animals when going barefoot. 

Immerse in Natural Bodies of Water 

Another way to facilitate earthing is to immerse yourself in natural, conductive bodies of water like lakes, rivers or the ocean. The mineral content and connection to the earth’s surface is thought to allow electron transfer.

Swimming, wading or even soaking your feet can be a pleasant way to absorb the benefits of earthing. Just be cautious about water safety, currents, and contaminants when immersed. 

Use Dedicated Earthing Products 

If spending significant time outdoors barefoot is impractical or undesirable, there are various products designed to facilitate indoor grounding or earthing. These allow you to absorb the earth’s negative ionic charge while going about your normal daily routines. 

Some common earthing products include: 

  • Grounding mats: These conductive mats can be placed on the floor or desk and are connected via a wire to a grounding rod inserted into the earth outside or to a grounded electrical outlet. You can work, do yoga, or relax while making skin contact with the mat. 
  • Grounding sheets/blankets: These work similarly to the mats but allow you to ground while sleeping by laying your body on the conductive material overnight. Many find this improves sleep quality. 
  • Grounding wrist/foot bands: These conductive straps allow you to be earthed through wrapping them around your wrist or ankle and connecting the band to a grounding source. 
  • Grounding socks/slippers: Socks or slippers embedded with conductive threads or materials on the soles serve as a wearable way to facilitate grounding indoors. ● Conductive gardening/sports gear: Grounded gardening tools, sports equipment, and apparel facilitate earthing while enjoying your favorite outdoor activities. 

The advantage of these products is providing a way to stay continuously earthed throughout your day-to-day life indoors. Many people use a combination of outdoor grounding along with indoor products. 

Potential Risks and Precautions with Earthing

While earthing is generally considered extremely safe, there are a few potential risks and precautions to be aware of[1][2][3]: 

Electrical hazards: When using grounding rods or plugging products into electrical outlets, there is a minor risk of electric shocks if not installed properly. It’s important to follow instructions carefully. 

Conductive water risks: Swimming or wading in lakes, rivers or the ocean carries typical water hazards like currents, drop-offs, and potential contaminants that should be respected. 

Outdoor risks: While extremely unlikely, there are very minor theoretical risks of being struck by lightning or experiencing electric shocks by grounding in areas with high atmospheric ionization like before storms. Using common sense about weather conditions is wise.

Footwear concerns: When going barefoot, watch for potential hazards like sharp objects, extreme temperatures, insect threats and unsanitary surfaces that could cause injury or infection. 

Doctor consultation: Those with certain medical conditions like peripheral neuropathy or Lyme disease may want to consult their doctor before earthing, as the practice could theoretically exacerbate issues in rare cases. 

Overall, earthing appears to be an extremely low-risk practice, especially when taking basic common-sense precautions. The most significant “risk” is simply that it may not provide the benefits claimed by proponents. But it is unlikely to cause any harm when practiced prudently.

The Bottom Line on Earthing 

The science behind earthing is still in relatively early stages, but an intriguing body of evidence is emerging on its potential health benefits. From reducing inflammation and oxidative stress to improving sleep, recovery, and cardiovascular factors, grounding your body to the earth’s negative ionic charge shows great promise. 

At its core, earthing may simply be helping restore an electrically grounded state that was natural for humans throughout evolution. Our modern insulated lifestyles represent an anomaly in cutting off this connection. Reconnecting through earthing is an accessible, low-risk way to potentially reap significant health advantages. 

Of course, more rigorous research is still needed to validate the mechanisms and effects of earthing. But it appears to be a fundamentally natural, ancestral practice that our bodies may be well-designed to take advantage of. For those suffering from inflammation, poor sleep, pain, or other chronic conditions, earthing may be a worthwhile option to explore further under a doctor’s guidance. 

At the very least, taking time to go barefoot and “ground” ourselves outdoors seems an excellent way to reconnect with the calming, healing energies of nature. In our high-tech, urbanized modern lives, earthing offers a simple yet powerful way to root ourselves once more in the potent therapeutic embrace of the earth. 


[1] Oschman, James L et al. “The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.” Journal of inflammation research vol. 8 83-96. 24 Mar. 2015, doi:10.2147/JIR.S69656

[2] Sinatra, Stephen T et al. “Grounding – The universal anti-inflammatory remedy.” Biomedical journal vol. 46,1 (2023): 11-16. doi:10.1016/ 

[3] Chevalier, Gaétan et al. “Earthing: health implications of reconnecting the human body to the Earth’s surface electrons.” Journal of environmental and public health vol. 2012 (2012): 291541. doi:10.1155/2012/291541 

[4] Ghaly, Maurice, and Dale Teplitz. “The biologic effects of grounding the human body during sleep as measured by cortisol levels and subjective reporting of sleep, pain, and stress.” Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) vol. 10,5 (2004): 767-76. doi:10.1089/acm.2004.10.767 

[5] Brown, Dick et al. “Pilot study on the effect of grounding on delayed-onset muscle soreness.” Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) vol. 16,3 (2010): 265-73. doi:10.1089/acm.2009.0399 

[6] Chevalier, Gaétan et al. “Earthing (grounding) the human body reduces blood viscosity-a major factor in cardiovascular disease.” Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) vol. 19,2 (2013): 102-10. doi:10.1089/acm.2011.0820 

[7] Park, Hyun-Jung et al. “The Effect of Earthing Mat on Stress-Induced Anxiety-like Behavior and Neuroendocrine Changes in the Rat.” Biomedicines vol. 11,1 57. 26 Dec. 2022, doi:10.3390/biomedicines11010057 

[8] Chevalier, Gaetan. “Changes in pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygenation, perfusion index, skin conductance, and their variability induced during and after grounding human subjects for 40 minutes.” Journal of alternative and complementary medicine (New York, N.Y.) vol. 16,1 (2010): 81-7. doi:10.1089/acm.2009.0278 

[9] Chevalier, Gaétan, and James L. Oschman. “Understanding Earthing (Grounding).” Can be downloaded from http://www. earthinginstitute. net/index. php/research (2010).

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