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Pets and Winter: Caring for Your Furry Friends in the Cold Months

Pets and Winter: Caring for Your Furry Friends in the Cold Months

Pets and Winter: Caring for Your Furry Friends in the Cold Months 

Pets are great for our mental health. They make us feel less anxious and sad and reduce stress. Playing with them makes us happy and relaxed by releasing certain hormones. 

Even just petting them can make our blood pressure go down and help us feel calm. 

Having pets gives us love and helps us stay focused on the here and now. Taking care of them gives us a sense of purpose and makes us feel good about ourselves. 

Walking a dog every day is good for our health, and it’s a chance to get some sun, exercise, and meet people. Pets bring joy and comfort to our lives, and having them in our homes makes us feel connected, safe, and trusted. Our overall mental health gets better when we have pets. 

When winter comes, it’s important to take extra care of your pets. This guide will give you tips on how to keep your pets happy and healthy during the cold months

It covers keeping them warm, exercising them outside, grooming, knowing about hazards, traveling with them, taking care of outdoor pets, avoiding sickness, and watching what they eat and drink. It also includes tips for looking after older pets. Follow these simple rules to have a fun and safe winter with your pets! 

Playing with pets can provide a wealth of emotional and mental benefits, contributing to your overall well-being and quality of life.

Keeping Your Pet Warm 

The number one priority during winter is keeping your pet warm and comfortable inside. Short-haired breeds like Chihuahuas are more susceptible to the cold, so take extra precautions [1]

When taking dogs for walks, get them a warm jacket or sweater. You can find specialized booties to protect their paws from snow, salt, and ice. Always dry your pet thoroughly when coming in from the snow to prevent chilling. 

Keep your home warmer than usual during cold spells. Provide a cozy pet bed in a draft-free area with plenty of blankets for nesting. Try putting a heating pad or hot water bottle underneath the bedding for extra warmth. 

Limit your pet’s access to cold garage or basement floors. Provide some extra insulation and a warm resting place if they spend time outdoors. Watch for shivering, which is a sure sign your pet needs to warm up.

Short-haired pets like Greyhounds, Boxers, and Whippets often feel the cold more. Make sure to provide them with extra bedding and clothing for warmth. Give cats heated perches and enclosures with sides to burrow in. 

Aquarium heaters and tank spotlights help keep fish, amphibians, and reptiles comfortable. Monitor temperatures carefully and avoid placing tanks near drafts. With a few adjustments, you can keep your cold-sensitive critters cozy despite the plummeting temperatures! 

Exercising Outdoors 

Don’t let icy conditions put a freeze on your exercise routine with your pet. Outdoor activity is important year-round for your pet’s health and happiness [2]

Instead of prolonged walks, shift to more frequent short bursts of playtime outside. Tossing a ball or flying disc gets your pet moving without prolonged paw contact with snow and ice. Try building an indoor obstacle course on frigid days. 

Always supervise your pet when letting them potty or play in the snow. Avoid letting cats roam freely in deep snow where they can become lost. Watch for signs of frostbite on ears, tails, and paws [3]. Once inside, thoroughly wipe down and dry your pet’s coat and feet. 

Carefully look between paw pads and toes for any ice balls or salt crystals which can cause irritation. Consult your vet about safe levels of exercise if your pet suffers from arthritis or other cold-exacerbated medical issues. 

With common sense precautions, you and your pet can continue enjoying the outdoors all season. 

During snow play, check paws frequently for ice and salt buildup which can damage sensitive paw pads. Wipe down with a warm wet cloth when back inside. Short, supervised play sessions are safest for pets when temperatures dip below freezing. 

Always bring pets in if they start shivering or seem distressed by the cold. Don’t stay out long enough for them to get chilled. 

Playing with your cat in the snow can be a unique and enjoyable experience, offering several benefits for both you and your feline friend.

Grooming Needs 

The dry indoor air and windy, wet conditions outdoors can wreak havoc on your pet’s skin and coat during winter. Stick to a regular grooming routine and keep up with baths [4]

Use a humidifier and consider supplements like fish oil to relieve dry skin issues. Trim longer hair around paws for ice and snow melt drainage. 

Carefully cut matted fur rather than shaving down to the skin which loses natural insulation.

Check feet thoroughly after walks for packed snowballs between toes and pads which can be painful. Consider a winter puppy cut or lion cut for long-haired breeds like Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos, and Poodles to prevent matted fur and ice buildup on feathers and tails. Prevent painful ice cubes from forming on long fur with gentle baths and blow drying. 

Brush cats more frequently to catch shedding topcoats before they form mats. Monitor skin and coat health and contact your vet promptly if you see signs of irritation, infection, or injury. With extra TLC, you can keep your pet’s coat looking great despite harsh weather. 

Hazard Awareness 

The unfamiliar sights, sounds, and smells of winter can alarm pets. Help fearful pets acclimate by slowly introducing them to seasonal changes [5]. Discourage dogs from rolling in or lapping up salty slush which can cause vomiting or diarrhea if ingested. Try covering delicate paws with pet-safe snow sealant wax before walking to repel ice. 

To avoid burns, keep pets away from radiators, heating vents, and fireplaces. Remove hanging strings, tinsel, and electrical cords from decor reach. Securely anchor holiday trees to prevent tipping over. 

Pets are often tempted to chew on holiday lights and wiring due to curiosity. Tuck cords safely away or use pet-deterrent sprays. Discourage nibbling on toxic holiday plants like poinsettias, holly, lilies, and mistletoe. 

Skip the canned snow spray which can damage lung tissue if inhaled. Remove poisonous ice melt products and keep them out of paw reach. With attention to new environmental risks, you can spot and avoid winter-specific hazards. 

Traveling With Pets 

If traveling with your pet this winter, take steps to make the trip safe and stress-free regardless of transportation method [6]. Ask your vet about medication for motion sickness if needed. 

Secure pets in a well-ventilated carrier or crate in the back seat; never leave loose in the bed of a truck. Pack their regular food and medications to avoid gastrointestinal issues from abrupt diet changes. 

Make frequent stops for bathroom breaks and exercise. Keep the car interior warmer than usual and avoid leaving pets alone in cold vehicles. If flying, check airline pet policies and reserve a climate-controlled spot.

Attach current ID tags and make sure the microchip is registered in case of separation. Scout pet-friendly lodgings in advance. With planning, forethought, and precautions, winter travel with pets can be smooth and enjoyable. 

On road trips, bring plenty of water to prevent dehydration since pets drink less in colder temps. Never leave pets alone in vehicles where they are vulnerable to hypothermia and theft. Use wire crates secured in the back to prevent injuries if you brake suddenly. Regular stops relieve boredom and stress for car-weary pets. 

Caring For Outdoor Pets 

Outdoor pets like livestock, poultry, and horses require extra considerations over the winter. Provide shelter from wind, rain, and snow. A simple three-sided structure gives refuge from the elements [7]. Ensure their space has adequate drainage to avoid icy muck. Lay down straw 

or sand for better traction in high-traffic areas. Supply clean, unfrozen water at all times with heated buckets and troughs. 

Break apart frozen ponds or stock tanks safely each day to allow drinking and dipping for feather maintenance. Avoid sudden dietary changes when barn feeding. Check frequently for illness and injuries hidden by thick coats. 

Horses may need blanket protection from bitter cold. Keep barns well-ventilated to prevent respiratory issues but free from drafts. While outdoor pets are often resilient, they still require vigilant care and monitoring to thrive in harsh winter conditions. 

Preventing Illnesses 

The stress of winter weather and seasonal diseases means pets need extra immune system support. Keep vaccines and parasite prevention current to avoid contagious illnesses [8]. Avoid contact with unfamiliar dogs who could pass on viruses. 

Supplement with vitamins C and E to boost the immune system. Provide nutritious meals and plenty of water since dehydration taxes the body’s resources. Know the signs of common winter ailments like arthritis pain, dry skin, ear infections, diarrhea, and fever. 

At the first signs of sickness, call the vet since pets can decline rapidly. Be vigilant for symptoms of toxicity from ice melt paw exposure. Keep an emergency vet fund in case treatment is required. 

Monitor geriatric and high-risk pets closely for deteriorating health since harsh weather is taxing. With proactive prevention and early intervention, winter doesn’t have to mean a season of sickness for your pet.

Children playing with pets creates lasting memories and a sense of happiness.

Monitoring Food and Water Intake 

The energy demands of your pet increase over the winter, so their nutritional needs may rise by 10-20% [9]Feeding the same amount year-round can lead to dangerous weight loss when pets require extra calories for warmth. 

Increase dry food portions or give extra mealtime canned food. Switch to higher protein, higher fat diets to fuel metabolism. 

Provide ample fresh water daily since pets won’t drink as much once the temperature drops below freezing. Check and refill water bowls frequently. Use plastic bowls rather than metal, which sticks to tongues. 

Invest in a heated, circulating water fountain to guarantee an unfrozen supply. If your pet is refusing food or water for more than a day or seems ill, consult your vet right away. Careful nutritional management is vital over the cold months. 

Senior Pet Care 

Pets in their golden years require some special considerations during winter’s toll on aging bodies. Protect arthritic joints from cold floors with thick beds and ramps for furniture access. 

Limit playtime outside on slippery surfaces. Try joint supplements, prescription pain medication, or a thermal pet bed for relief. Groom more often to ease mat removal and prevent skin damage. 

Monitor for weight loss since seniors need extra calories for warmth but may become less active as they age. Provide easy access to food, water, medication, and litterboxes to accommodate limited mobility. 

Adjust outdoor time to avoid chilling and overwhelming your senior pet. Arrange transportation if you live in snowy regions to reduce walking. 

A few accommodations can help senior pets thrive through their first winter and beyond. With awareness and adaptation, winter doesn’t need to herald the end of playtime and outdoor enjoyment for your aging four-legged family members. 

Anticipate their special needs for continued health and happiness through the colder months.

To Conclude 

Winter weather brings unique challenges for caring pet owners. With some preparation and awareness, you can keep your pets active, nourished, safe, and cozy no matter what frigid conditions come your way.

Adopt a few of these tips to beat the winter blues and keep your beloved companions at their best when the mercury plummets. 

By making the well-being of your furry friends a top priority this season, you’ll have a fun-filled winter of making happy memories together. The right knowledge and preventive care mean you and your pets can thoroughly enjoy the unique charms a frosty winter offers. 


[1] Hall, Emily J et al. “Exploring Owner Perceptions of the Impacts of Seasonal Weather Variations on Canine Activity and Potential Consequences for Human-Canine Relationships.” Animals : an open access journal from MDPI vol. 11,11 3302. 19 Nov. 2021, doi:10.3390/ani11113302 

[2] Yuma, Paula et al. “Promoting Outdoor Physical Activity for People and Pets: Opportunities for Veterinarians to Engage in Public Health.” Topics in companion animal medicine vol. 34 (2019): 18-21. doi:10.1053/j.tcam.2018.11.002 

[3] Biem, Jay et al. “Out of the cold: management of hypothermia and frostbite.” CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne vol. 168,3 (2003): 305-11. 

[4] McDonald, Shelby E et al. “Grooming-Related Concerns Among Companion Animals: Preliminary Data on an Overlooked Topic and Considerations for Animals’ Access to Health-Related Services.” Frontiers in veterinary science vol. 9 827348. 24 Feb. 2022, doi:10.3389/fvets.2022.827348 

[5] Meadows, Kristy L, and Gena M Silver. “The Effects of Various Weather Conditions as a Potential Ischemic Stroke Trigger in Dogs.” Veterinary sciences vol. 4,4 56. 16 Nov. 2017, doi:10.3390/vetsci4040056 

[6] Gandia Estellés, M, and D S Mills. “Signs of travel-related problems in dogs and their response to treatment with dog-appeasing pheromone.” The Veterinary record vol. 159,5 (2006): 143-8. doi:10.1136/vr.159.5.143 

[7] Zijlema, Wilma L et al. “Dog ownership, the natural outdoor environment and health: a cross-sectional study.” BMJ open vol. 9,5 e023000. 27 May. 2019, 


[8] Stull, Jason W et al. “Reducing the risk of pet-associated zoonotic infections.” CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne vol. 187,10 (2015): 736-743. doi:10.1503/cmaj.141020 

[9] Zanghi, Brian M, and Cari L Gardner. “Total Water Intake and Urine Measures of Hydration in Adult Dogs Drinking Tap Water or a Nutrient-Enriched Water.” Frontiers in veterinary science vol. 5 317. 18 Dec. 2018, doi:10.3389/fvets.2018.00317

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