Global Wellness Guru

Have You Fallen Into the Daily Drudgery Dread? Steps to Shake Up Your Self-Care Routine

Have You Fallen Into the Daily Drudgery Dread? Steps to Shake Up Your Self-Care Routine

We’ve all been there – the initial excitement of trying something new fades away, and what was once an invigorating self-care practice starts feeling like yet another chore on your to-do list. Whether it’s your workout routine, meditation practice, or Sunday reset ritual, the dreaded daily drudgery can quickly settle in, leaving you feeling stuck in a rut and longing for something fresh. 

But fear not, for the path to reigniting your self-care spark is within reach. By understanding the factors that contribute to this dread and exploring creative ways to mix things up, you can breathe new life into your routine and rediscover the joy and rejuvenation that self-care practices are meant to provide. 

The Roots of the Drudgery Dread 

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first examine some of the underlying reasons why self-care routines can start to feel like a chore. 

  1. Lack of Variety 

One of the primary culprits behind the daily drudgery dread is a lack of variety. When we engage in the same activities day after day, week after week, it’s natural for our brains to become accustomed to the routine, leading to a sense of monotony and boredom. This is supported by the statistic that 47% of people associate self-care with an at-home spa ritual, suggesting a limited perception of what self-care can entail[1]. 

  1. Stress and Burnout 

Ironically, the very reason we engage in self-care practices – to combat stress and prevent burnout – can sometimes exacerbate these feelings if our routines become stale. Research shows that Gen Z is most likely to experience burnout at 73%, while millennials are at 

57%, Gen X at 54%, and boomers at 39%[2]. When we’re already feeling overwhelmed, the thought of engaging in yet another monotonous activity can be draining, rather than rejuvenating. 

  1. Lack of Time and Resources

For many of us, self-care is often pushed to the back burner due to the demands of our busy lives. The study found that adults in the US only feel relaxed for 40 minutes per day, with 47% claiming they get less than that[3]. When we’re strapped for time and resources, it’s tempting to fall back on familiar routines, even if they’ve lost their luster. 

  1. Unrealistic Expectations 

Sometimes, the daily drudgery dread can stem from unrealistic expectations we place on ourselves or our self-care practices. If we’re constantly chasing the idea of a perfect, Instagram-worthy self-care moment, we may become disillusioned when reality fails to live up to our idealized visions. 

Shaking Up Your Self-Care Routine[5][6][7] 

Now that we’ve explored some of the root causes behind the daily drudgery dread, let’s dive into practical strategies to shake up your self-care routine and reignite your passion for prioritizing your well-being. 

  1. Embrace Variety 

The key to keeping your self-care practices fresh and exciting is to embrace variety. Instead of relying on the same handful of activities, make a conscious effort to explore new and different ways to nurture yourself. Here are some ideas to get you started: 

  • Try a new physical activity: If you’ve been stuck in a rut with your workout routine, switch things up by trying a new form of exercise like rock climbing, dance classes, or even hula-hooping. 
  • Experiment with different forms of creative expression: Engage your artistic side by trying your hand at painting, pottery, or even writing poetry. The act of creating something can be incredibly therapeutic and rejuvenating. 
  • Explore different relaxation techniques: Instead of your usual meditation or yoga practice, try different relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, or even adult coloring books. 
  • Seek out new experiences: Step out of your comfort zone and try something you’ve never done before, like taking a cooking class, visiting a museum, or going on a nature hike in a new location. 

Remember, the key is to keep things fresh and exciting. By constantly introducing new elements into your self-care routine, you’ll keep your mind engaged and prevent boredom from setting in. 

  1. Prioritize Self-Care Amid Stress and Burnout

When you’re feeling stressed and burned out, it’s easy to let self-care fall by the wayside. However, this is precisely when you need it most. To combat the daily drudgery dread during these challenging times, try to reframe your perspective on self-care. 

Instead of viewing it as another task on your to-do list, approach self-care as a necessary investment in your overall well-being. Remind yourself that by taking the time to recharge and rejuvenate, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of your life with greater resilience and focus. 

Additionally, be mindful of the signs of burnout and make a conscious effort to prioritize self-care before reaching that point. According to the research, 59% of people only practice self-care when they’re stressed, instead of integrating it into their everyday lives[1]. By making self-care a regular part of your routine, rather than a reactive measure, you’ll be better equipped to prevent burnout from taking hold. 

  1. Get Creative with Limited Time and Resources 

One of the most common barriers to self-care is a perceived lack of time and resources. However, self-care doesn’t have to be an elaborate or expensive endeavor. In fact, some of the most effective self-care practices can be simple and cost-effective. 

For example, 35% of people surveyed said that listening to music was a top self-care idea, and 33% said flossing counted as self-care time[3]. These are activities that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine without requiring a significant time or financial investment. 

Here are some other ideas for self-care on a budget or with limited time: 

  • Take a short walk around the block: Even a brief stroll can provide a mental reset and boost your mood. 
  • Practice deep breathing exercises: Spend a few minutes focusing on your breath, which can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. 
  • Keep a gratitude journal: Jotting down a few things you’re grateful for each day can cultivate a positive mindset and boost overall well-being. 
  • Indulge in a homemade face mask or bath soak: Many DIY beauty treatments can be made with simple, inexpensive ingredients you likely already have in your pantry. 

Remember, self-care doesn’t have to be complicated or costly to be effective. By getting creative with the resources you have available, you can find ways to nurture yourself without adding additional stress or financial strain. 

  1. Manage Expectations and Embrace Imperfection 

One of the biggest contributors to the daily drudgery dread is the unrealistic expectations we often place on ourselves and our self-care routines. We may have visions of perfectly curated

self-care moments, complete with scented candles, luxurious bath products, and serene surroundings. 

However, the reality is that life is often messy and imperfect, and our self-care practices should reflect that. Instead of striving for an idealized version of self-care, embrace the imperfections and focus on what truly matters: nurturing your mind, body, and soul in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling to you. 

Remind yourself that self-care isn’t about achieving a picture-perfect moment; it’s about making space for your own well-being, even when circumstances aren’t perfect. Letting go of unrealistic expectations can help you approach self-care with a more relaxed and accepting attitude, reducing the pressure and potential for disappointment. 

  1. Seek Inspiration and Community 

Sometimes, all it takes to shake up your self-care routine is a little inspiration and support from like-minded individuals. Seek out communities, either online or in-person, where you can connect with others who are passionate about self-care and personal growth. 

These communities can provide a wealth of ideas and inspiration for new self-care practices to try. You may discover activities or techniques you’ve never considered before, reigniting your excitement and curiosity about self-care. 

Additionally, surrounding yourself with a supportive community can help hold you accountable and motivated to prioritize your well-being. When you’re feeling stuck in a rut, having a group of people who understand the importance of self-care can provide the encouragement and gentle nudge you need to get back on track. 

  1. Celebrate Small Wins and Practice Self-Compassion 

As you work to shake up your self-care routine, it’s important to celebrate the small victories along the way and practice self-compassion when things don’t go as planned. 

Remember that cultivating a sustainable and fulfilling self-care practice is an ongoing process, and there will likely be setbacks and challenges along the way. Instead of berating yourself for falling back into old patterns or missing a self-care session, approach these moments with kindness and understanding. 

Celebrate the times when you do make progress, no matter how small. Did you try a new meditation technique today? Pat yourself on the back for stepping out of your comfort zone. Did you carve out an extra 15 minutes for yourself this morning? Acknowledge that as a win, even if it wasn’t a grand self-care extravaganza.

By practicing self-compassion and celebrating small wins, you’ll cultivate a more positive and sustainable relationship with self-care, making it less likely that you’ll fall into the daily drudgery dread. 

Embracing the Journey 

At the end of the day, the key to overcoming the daily drudgery dread and maintaining a vibrant self-care routine is to embrace the journey. Self-care isn’t a destination to be reached or a checklist to be completed; it’s an ongoing process of nurturing your mind, body, and soul in ways that feel nourishing and fulfilling. 

As the research shows, 72% of people report they’ve spent more time on self-care in the last two years, suggesting a growing recognition of the importance of prioritizing well-being[4]. However, it’s crucial to approach self-care with a mindset of curiosity, flexibility, and self-compassion. 

By understanding the root causes of the daily drudgery dread, embracing variety and new experiences, prioritizing self-care amid stress and burnout, getting creative with limited resources, managing expectations, seeking inspiration and community, and celebrating small wins, you can cultivate a self-care routine that feels fresh, engaging, and deeply rewarding. 

Remember, self-care is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not resonate with another. The key is to experiment, stay open-minded, and most importantly, listen to your own needs and intuition. When you approach self-care from a place of authenticity and self-love, the daily drudgery dread will become a distant memory, replaced by a sense of joy, fulfillment, and deep nourishment for your mind, body, and soul. 


[1] “Vagaro Survey: 75% of Americans Believe Self-Care Activities Provide Stress Relief.”, 14 Jan. 2021, ve-Self-Care-Activities-Provide-Stress-Relief

[2] Spa Executive. “Study Finds People Are Too Busy and Guilty for Self Care (Let’s Change That) | Spa Executive.” Spa Executive, 15 July 2019,

[3] Sparks, Hannah. “Self-Care Isn’t Working: Americans Only Feel Relaxed for Minutes per Day.”, New York Post, 15 June 2022,

[4] Research, Talker. “How Environmentally Friendly Is Your Self-Care Routine?” Talker, 15 June 2022,

[5] “Caring for Your Mental Health.” National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 2024,

[6] Shake it Off. “Shake It Off.” NIH News in Health, 28 Dec. 2018,

[7] Jin, Xiaoyuan et al. “Life in a New Normal with a Self-Care Routine: A Cross-Sectional Study of Older Adults’ Daily Health Behaviors (DHB) Performance during the Initial Outbreak of COVID-19 in China.” Nutrients vol. 14,8 1678. 18 Apr. 2022, doi:10.3390/nu14081678

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