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Glaucoma Month: Raising Awareness About the Sneak Thief of Sight

Glaucoma Month: Raising Awareness About the Sneak Thief of Sight

Glaucoma Month: Raising Awareness About the Sneak Thief of Sight 

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, aimed at educating the public about this leading cause of blindness that often lacks early symptoms. With early detection and treatment, vision loss from glaucoma can be prevented. However, about half of people with glaucoma are not even aware they have it[1]This article will cover key information everyone should know about this sneak thief of sight and how to protect your vision from potential damage. 

What is Glaucoma and Why Does it Matter? 

Glaucoma refers to a group of eye diseases caused by damage to the optic nerve, which sends visual information from the eye to the brain[2]The damage is often caused by abnormally high pressure within the eye. It is one of the leading causes of blindness for people over 60 years old. However, it can affect young people too. 

There are two main types[4][5]: open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma is more common and develops slowly over time with no symptoms at first. Angle-closure glaucoma is less common but has a quicker onset and more noticeable symptoms like eye pain and nausea. However, both types can cause vision loss and blindness if left unchecked. 

Unfortunately, once vision is lost from glaucoma damage, it cannot be restored. That’s why early detection and treatment to prevent vision loss is so important. With medication, laser treatment, or surgery, doctors can lower eye pressure and slow or stop further damage. If glaucoma remains uncontrolled, it can progress to complete blindness. 

Glaucoma by the Numbers 

Here are some key statistics that highlight why glaucoma is a major public health concern[1]

  • Over 3 million Americans have glaucoma, but only about half are aware of it[1]This makes public awareness critically important. 
  • African Americans over 40, everyone over 60, and people with a family history have a higher risk of developing glaucoma[1]. Hispanic Americans are also at increased risk. 
  • By 2050, over 7 million Americans will have glaucoma due to the aging population[6]
  • Glaucoma is the 2nd leading cause of blindness globally after cataracts[1][6]
  • Treatment can reduce the risk of blindness in people with glaucoma by over 50% when caught and treated early[1].
  • Once vision is lost, glaucoma damage is permanent. Up to 40% of vision can be destroyed before noticeable symptoms arise[1][4][6]

Early awareness, detection, and treatment are essential to containing this public health issue before it robs more people of their vision. 

Common Symptoms and Signs 

One reason glaucoma is called “the sneak thief of sight” is that early on there are often no symptoms. The disease causes peripheral vision loss that sneaks up without the person noticing. By the time they are aware, significant and irreversible damage has already happened. 

That’s why getting a comprehensive dilated eye exam is essential for early detection, even before symptoms appear. Only an eye care professional can detect signs of damage to the optic nerve or vision loss. 

Possible symptoms in later stages may include[3][5]

  • Gradual loss of peripheral vision 
  • The sensation that objects appear smaller than they are 
  • Difficulty seeing in dim light 
  • Eye pain or headaches 
  • Nausea or vomiting 
  • Seeing rainbow-colored circles around lights 

If you experience any suspicious vision changes, get your eyes comprehensively examined promptly. Catching glaucoma early makes all the difference in protecting your sight. 

Who is at High Risk? 

There are several factors that place people at increased risk for developing glaucoma. African Americans over age 40 have the highest risk, especially over age 60[1]The disease progresses faster, causes more vision loss, and is much harder to treat, and blindness is 6 to 8 times more common in this population. Hispanic Americans are also at higher risk. 

Other high-risk groups include[1][3][6]

  • People over age 60, especially Mexican Americans 
  • Those with an immediate family history of glaucoma 
  • Diabetics 
  • People severely nearsighted 
  • Those with chronic conditions like migraines, poor blood circulation, thyroid issues, eye injuries, and oral steroid use

Even with risks, experts believe at least 50% of glaucoma cases are undiagnosed[1]This may cause tens of thousands to needlessly go blind every year. That’s why organizations like Prevent Blindness declare January as Glaucoma Awareness Month. They aim to alert people about risk factors while underscoring the lack of evident first-stage symptoms. Recognizing 

those silently losing vision motivates the public to get their eyes examined.

Can Glaucoma Be Prevented? 

While some risk factors like genetics, age, and race cannot be changed, the disease may still be preventable in many cases[2]. Since vision loss is permanent, the best way to prevent blindness from glaucoma is through early detection and treatment[3]. With routine exams, it can be caught before noticeable vision loss begins. 

You can help prevent glaucoma damage by maintaining follow-up care when diagnosed. Following doctor’s orders implicitly helps mitigate rapid vision demise. Further helpful tips include[7]

  • Getting a comprehensive eye exam with optic nerve evaluation every 1-2 years starting at age 40. African Americans, Hispanics, and higher risk groups should start even earlier around every 1-2 years from age 20-29, and every 2-4 years for ages 30-39. 
  • Knowing your family history and telling your eye doctor about relatives with glaucoma or blindness 
  • Eating healthy, maintaining target weight, exercising, and avoiding high-eye-pressure activities like strenuous weight lifting 
  • Wearing protective eyewear when playing sports or doing activities with a risk of eye trauma 
  • Avoiding steroid eye drops like certain antihistamines when possible 
  • Reporting any suspicious symptoms like rainbow halos or vision changes right away instead of waiting until the next exam 

While you can’t necessarily prevent ever developing glaucoma, you have immense power to detect it early when vision loss is still avoidable. Taking measures to avoid risks while getting routine eye health exams, especially if at higher risk, gives you the best odds of protection. 

Diagnosis and Testing Basics 

Since glaucoma causes no early symptoms, comprehensive testing is required for diagnosis. A standard visual field test checks peripheral and central vision but only detects advanced disease. To uncover early damage, eye doctors have advanced technologies. 

Here are common diagnostic tests[2][3][5]:

  • Tonometry: Measures eye pressure levels. Drops may be given to numb eyes first. High pressure increases glaucoma risk but isn’t definitive. Normal pressure glaucoma exists too. 
  • Ophthalmoscopy: Checks optic nerve damage using magnification and illumination through a device with lenses. Can show initial wasting of neural tissue before vision loss begins. 
  • Pachymetry: Measures cornea thickness which influences eye pressure readings. Thinner corneas equate to higher inner eye pressure. 
  • Perimetry: Maps your field of vision by tracking the ability to view incremental dimmed light spots shown in various places during test. Done periodically to compare changes. 
  • Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): Non-invasive imaging giving ultra high-resolution cross-sectional scans of the retina and optic nerve to detect early damage. 
  • Gonioscopy: A lens placed gently on eye with lamp to closely inspect drainage angle. Determines if angle-closure glaucoma risk exists. 

Based on a combination of test results, risk factors, and exam findings, your doctor determines the likelihood of glaucoma damage, severity, and vision impact. Prompt treatment initiation is critical to prevent irreversible sight erosion. 

Available Treatment Options 

Treating glaucoma revolves around lowering inner eye pressure causing optic nerve damage. Several approaches help curb fluid buildup and drainage issues[2][3][5][8]

  • Medications – Eyedrops: Reduce fluid production or improve its drainage. Options range from beta-blockers and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors to alpha agonists. Most patients use daily drops lifelong. 
  • Laser Surgery: Quick office procedures like SLT (selective laser trabeculoplasty) target drainage cell damage to enhance fluid outflow from the eye. Usually effective for years before needing repeats. 
  • Micro-Invasive Glaucoma Surgeries (MIGS): Minimally invasive procedures implant tiny stents in eye drainage ducts to facilitate outflow without major surgery risks. 
  • Conventional Surgery – Trabeculectomy & Tube Shunts: Operations to create new uveoscleral outflow pathways for fluid when other treatments no longer control eye pressure. 

In addition to vision preservation, treatment makes glaucoma progression more stable and easier to monitor. It can also alleviate eye discomfort. Doctors tailor approaches to individual needs with options from eyedrops to lasers or surgery. Following management guidance is key. 

The phrase “Sarvendriyanam nayanam pradhanam” highlights the importance of the eyes among the five sense organs. Increased awareness is key to early detection, effective management, and significantly reducing glaucoma’s impact on global blindness.

Healthy Vision for Life Through Awareness

Half of glaucoma cases remain undiagnosed, causing tens of thousands of preventable blindness cases yearly. It lacks evident first-stage symptoms so the only way to detect early damage is through regular eye exams. Especially if at higher risk, getting a comprehensive optic nerve and visual field assessment every 1-2 years from age 20-39 and annually over 40 gives the best chance for early detection and treatment[9][10]That saves vision. 

During January’s awareness activities, inform family and friends over 60, diabetics, or those with eye disease, injuries, or genetics increasing their risk[9]Ensure they have an eye appointment booked. At annual wellness visits, ask your doctor when your next exam with optic nerve analysis should take place based on your age and risk factors. 

Safeguarding eyesight requires proaction since vision loss cannot be reversed. Although glaucoma progresses silently without initial symptoms, resulting blindness causes reduced independence and quality of life. Being blind triples one’s risk of falls and injuries while curtailing involvement in activities like reading, driving, and seeing loved one’s faces clearly. 

Don’t become an unseen statistic losing vision gradually to the sneak thief of sight. This Glaucoma Awareness Month, make an appointment to get your eyes checked this year so problems like glaucoma can be detected early while vision loss is still avoidable[9][10]Catching it quickly is the best way to prevent blindness and secure a lifetime of healthy vision ahead. 


[1] CDC. “Don’t Let Glaucoma Steal Your Sight!” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 24 Nov. 2020,

[2] “Glaucoma | National Eye Institute.”, 4 Jan. 2024,

[3] What Is Glaucoma? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment. “What Is Glaucoma? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment.” American Academy of Ophthalmology, 4 Dec. 2023,

[4] “Types of Glaucoma | National Eye Institute.”, 2021, 

[5] Schuster, Alexander K et al. “The Diagnosis and Treatment of Glaucoma.” Deutsches Arzteblatt international vol. 117,13 (2020): 225-234. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2020.0225 

[6] Vajaranant, Thasarat S et al. “The changing face of primary open-angle glaucoma in the United States: demographic and geographic changes from 2011 to 2050.” American journal of ophthalmology vol. 154,2 (2012): 303-314.e3. doi:10.1016/j.ajo.2012.02.024 

[7] To, Things. “10 Things to Do Today to Prevent Vision Loss from Glaucoma.” American Academy of Ophthalmology, Dec. 2023,

[8] “Glaucoma Medicines | National Eye Institute.”, 2021,

[9] “Glaucoma Awareness Month | National Eye Institute.”, 2024,

[10] Make Eye Health a New Year’s Resolution. Get a Dilated Eye Exam.

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