Global Wellness Guru

Breathing Easy: A Guide to Managing Fall Allergies and Pollen

Breathing Easy: A Guide to Managing Fall Allergies and Pollen

Breathing Easy: A Guide to Managing Fall Allergies and Pollen 

Fall is a beautiful time of year, with cooler temperatures and trees bursting with vibrant colors. But for many people, autumn also brings bothersome allergy and asthma symptoms due to falling leaves and increased pollen in the air. 

With some preparation and proactive steps, you can minimize your exposure to fall allergens and breathe easier during this seasonal transition. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various aspects of dealing with fall allergies and pollen

Monitor the Pollen Forecast 

Knowing the pollen levels in your area can help you plan ahead to limit your exposure. Check the daily pollen forecast in your local weather report or on websites like This will provide information on the main allergenic pollen types present and their concentrations. 

Tree pollen is particularly high in the fall as trees prepare for winter. Monitor for high levels of pollen from aspens, oak, birch, ash, willows, and sycamores [1]. Weeds like ragweed continue to thrive in the fall and can also elevate pollen counts. 

Grasses have usually declined by fall but can still be a factor depending on your climate. Being aware of the pollen situation outdoors can allow you to adjust plans if levels are extreme on a given day. 

Take Medication Preventively 

Starting allergy medications proactively before symptoms strike can make a big difference in minimizing fall allergy misery. Consider an over-the-counter antihistamine like Zyrtec, Claritin, or Allegra to reduce inflammation sneezing, itching, and congestion [2]

Nasal sprays like Flonase and Nasacort contain corticosteroids to decrease swelling in nasal passages and polyps. Discuss prescription options with your doctor if your symptoms tend to be more severe. 

Make sure to begin taking medications a few weeks before the peak pollen season starts, as they work best when already built up in your system. Don’t wait until your allergies are in full swing. Check with your pharmacist or doctor on the best dosage and schedule for your specific needs. Consistency is key.

Limit Outdoor Time on High Pollen Days 

When the pollen count is very high, try to spend more time indoors with windows closed. This could mean exercising inside or picking indoor playdates or activities for your kids. Consider wearing a mask if you need to be outside for an extended period on high pollen days. 

Schedule your outdoor time earlier in the day or on cooler, cloudier days when pollen counts tend to be lower [3]

Avoid hanging laundry or sheets outside to dry, as they will collect pollen. After time outdoors, shower and change clothes to prevent bringing allergens indoors. Designate separate outdoor clothing and prevent pets from spreading pollen into the house. Monitor air quality reports and adjust plans when air quality is expected to be poor. 

Woman sick with Fall Allergies, Pollen and hay fever

Use Air Purifiers 

Indoor air purifiers with HEPA filters can dramatically reduce pollen, allergens, and irritants within your home. Place them in rooms where you spend the most time, such as bedrooms and living areas. Replace filters regularly per the manufacturer’s instructions to keep the purifiers working properly. 

There are also air-purifying plants like aloe vera, garden mum, and peace lilies that have been shown to reduce airborne allergens like mold or pet dander inside homes [4]

Maintain good ventilation indoors and vacuum with a HEPA filter frequently. Make sure to dust ceiling fans and window sills which collect pollen from open windows. 

Rinse Off Pollen 

After returning from outside, pollen can cling to your skin, hair, and clothes. Rinsing off prevents the spreading of these allergens into your living spaces. Shower and wash your hair as soon as you can after spending time outdoors. This washes away trapped pollen so you don’t continue breathing it in. 

It’s also helpful to wash bedding weekly in hot water to remove pollen that may have stuck to your sheets and blankets [5]. Try not to bring work clothes inside or wear them while lounging on furniture. Being vigilant about these steps reduces continued allergen exposure inside. 

Watch the Weather 

Paying attention to upcoming weather reports can allow you to better prepare for high pollen days. Seasonal allergy symptoms can worsen on dry, windy days as pollen and dust are blown around. Breezy conditions whip pollen up into the air.

Avoid opening windows when it’s very windy outside or follow pollen/mold/spore forecasts and adjust. Rainy days are better for suffering allergy patients, as the rain washes the pollen out of the air [6]. Cooler temperatures can also provide some relief. Plan outdoor activities strategically around the weather conditions. 

Consider Immunotherapy 

For people with more stubborn allergy symptoms, allergen immunotherapy may help reduce sensitivity. This involves getting allergy shots or taking drops under the tongue over a period of months to years to gradually decrease immune system reaction to allergens like pollen [7]

While this won’t provide immediate relief, it can significantly improve symptoms over time for many allergy sufferers and potentially decrease the need for medication. Talk to an allergist about options. Local raw honey may also help build immunity against local pollens. 

Irrigate Nasal Passages 

Using a neti pot or nasal rinse bottle can gently flush away allergens and soothe irritated nasal passages. Mix purified warm water with iodide-free salt to create a sterile saline solution. 

Leaning over a sink, tilt your head sideways and pour the solution into one nostril while it drains out the other side. Breathing through your mouth, repeat on the other side. 

Nasal irrigation washes away pollen, mold, and dander that accumulate in the nasal cavity and sinuses where it can trigger swelling [8]

Rinsing once or twice a day helps prevent congestion, post-nasal drip, and other symptoms. Make sure to disinfect irrigation devices after each use. 

Avoid Triggers 

In addition to pollen, fall can bring mold growth both indoors and outdoors, which may require mitigation measures for allergy sufferers. Stack firewood up off the damp ground to discourage mold growth. 

Clean fallen leaves and debris from your yard promptly. Ensure proper ventilation of bathrooms and basements prone to moisture. 

Use dehumidifiers as needed in your home along with mold-reducing solutions. Keep the filters clean. Inside your home, mold can trigger wheezing, sneezing, and skin irritation [9]

Contact a mold remediation specialist for any major mold problems in your living spaces. Stay aware of other common allergens as well like pet dander and dust mites.

Eat Anti-Inflammatory Foods 

Certain foods contain anti-inflammatory properties that may help counter allergic reactions during peak pollen seasons. Include foods rich in Quercetin like apples, berries, onions, and green tea. Vitamin C foods like citrus fruits and broccoli can also help [10]. Turmeric, ginger, and Omega-3 foods have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. 

Probiotic foods improve gut health, which plays a role in immune response. Maintaining a healthy diet supports your body’s defenses against allergy attacks. Avoiding inflammatory foods like alcohol and excess sugar may benefit some allergy sufferers as well. Stay hydrated since dehydration exacerbates respiratory symptoms. Listen to your body! 

In Summary 

The blustery fall season with swirling winds and drifts of leaves brings both beauty and challenges for those prone to allergies and asthma. Heading into autumn informed and prepared allows you to proactively manage fall allergies. 

Monitor pollen counts, start preventative medications early, limit exposures and irritants where possible, and collaborate with your doctor on additional solutions as needed. With some strategic planning, you can continue to enjoy the fall season while controlling bothersome allergy symptoms. 

Breathe easy and take care! 


[1] Mansouritorghabeh, Hassan et al. “The Most Common Allergenic Tree Pollen Grains in the Middle East: A Narrative Review.” Iranian journal of medical sciences vol. 44,2 (2019): 87-98. 

[2] Kuna, Piotr et al. “The role and choice criteria of antihistamines in allergy management – expert opinion.” Postepy dermatologii i alergologii vol. 33,6 (2016): 397-410. doi:10.5114/pdia.2016.63942 

[3] Grewling, Ł et al. “Pollen nightmare: elevated airborne pollen levels at night.” Aerobiologia vol. 32,4 (2016): 725-728. doi:10.1007/s10453-016-9441-7 

[4] El-Tanbouly, Rania et al. “The Role of Indoor Plants in air Purification and Human Health in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Proposal for a Novel Line of Inquiry.” Frontiers in molecular biosciences vol. 8 709395. 30 Jun. 2021, doi:10.3389/fmolb.2021.709395 

[5] Hunt, Chris O, and Zuzanna Morawska. “Are your hands clean? Pollen retention on the human hand after washing.” Review of palaeobotany and palynology vol. 280 (2020): 104278. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2020.104278

[6] Hughes, Kira Morgan et al. “Importance of allergen-environment interactions in epidemic thunderstorm asthma.” Therapeutic advances in respiratory disease vol. 16 (2022): 17534666221099733. doi:10.1177/17534666221099733 

[7] [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. Hay fever: Allergen-specific immunotherapy (desensitization) in the treatment of allergies. [Updated 2020 Apr 23]. 

[8] Head, Karen et al. “Saline irrigation for allergic rhinitis.” The Cochrane database of systematic reviews vol. 6,6 CD012597. 22 Jun. 2018, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012597.pub2 

[9] Villaveces, J W. “The dehumidifier: its indoor use in controlling molds and mold asthma–a personal case history.” Annals of allergy vol. 29,2 (1971): 93-8. 

[10] Kostić, Aleksandar Ž et al. “The Application of Pollen as a Functional Food and Feed Ingredient-The Present and Perspectives.” Biomolecules vol. 10,1 84. 5 Jan. 2020, doi:10.3390/biom10010084

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