Global Wellness Guru

A Practical Guide to New Year’s Resolutions for Mental Wellness

A Practical Guide to New Year’s Resolutions for Mental Wellness

A Practical Guide to New Year’s Resolutions for Mental Wellness 

The start of a new year signifies a chance for renewal and fresh beginnings. As we pack away the festive lights and bid farewell to holiday music, many take this time to look back on the past year and commit to positive changes for the future. 

Beyond physical goals such as weight loss or quitting smoking, there’s a growing awareness of the importance of setting goals that prioritize mental wellness. 

This post offers practical tips for sticking to resolutions that improve mental well-being in the new year, with insights from different case studies. While change doesn’t happen overnight, consistent daily steps can make a significant impact over time. 

Let’s get started! 

Prioritizing your mental health is an important step toward overall well-being and a happier, healthier year ahead.

Reflect on the Past Year 

Before determining what you want to change or improve, take time to reflect on the previous year when it comes to your mental health and well-being. 

Consider if certain months or periods of the year were particularly stressful or taxing and made you feel emotionally drained. Identify any mental health challenges you struggled with or times when you neglected self-care. These reflections will help guide you in setting realistic and meaningful resolutions for the year ahead. 

As we reflect on the past year, New Year’s resolutions can offer an opportunity for personal growth and development. While sticking to our goals is challenging, this research provides helpful insights[1]

This study examined how adapting our approach to goal-setting may impact well-being and success. They found that having flexibility in our plans, while still pursuing goals tenaciously, was helpful for maintaining mental wellness over time. 

Rather than feelings of failure when we cannot achieve a resolution as originally intended, flexibility allows us to adapt and find alternative paths. 

The research also suggested underlying motivations matter. Internal motivations, like interests and values, did most to support both well-being and commitment to exercise goals in the long run. External pressures were less effective.

As we look to the year ahead, focusing resolutions on what really matters to us personally may lead to benefits that ripple far beyond a single goal. 

Overall, this study encourages reflection on how we set and approach goals, as well as our reasons for doing so. With flexibility and sources of intrinsic motivation, perhaps we can learn and grow in a way that serves our wellness, even in the face of challenges or setbacks along the way. 

Resolutions offer an invitation to nurture what nourishes our spirit and bring out the best in who we are. 

Set Specific, Measurable Goals 

When setting new year’s resolutions for improving mental health, ensure they are specific and measurable goals, not vague aspirations. This makes them more achievable and helps track progress. 

For example, rather than a resolution to “stress less”, set a goal to incorporate a relaxing self-care activity into your daily or weekly routine, such as journaling, meditating, exercising, or connecting with supportive friends. 

Determine what metric you will use to measure success and map out incremental steps for achieving each goal. Breaking down resolutions into manageable steps and tracking improvements keeps you motivated and focused. 

Here’s a case study of a large-scale experiment on New Year’s resolutions: Approach-oriented goals vs. avoidance-oriented goals[2]

  • The study investigated what types of New Year’s resolutions people make, whether different resolutions have differing success rates, and if providing support on goal setting can increase resolution success. 
  • Over 1,000 participants were randomized into groups receiving no, some, or extended support. Their resolutions were categorized and success-tracked over 12 months. 
  • The most common resolutions were physical health, weight loss, and eating habits. Overall, 55% considered themselves successful at 12 months. 
  • Approach-oriented goals had higher success rates than avoidance goals. Different resolution categories also varied in success rates. 
  • The group receiving some support reported significantly higher success than the other groups. More support did not equate to greater success. 
  • Successfully maintaining resolutions was linked to improved self-efficacy and quality of life at 12 months compared to unsuccessful participants.

In summary, the large-scale study found that over half of participants sustained their New Year’s resolutions long-term, with approach goals and some level of support linked to higher success rates. Providing extended support did not further increase resolution success. 

Practice Self-Care and Self-Compassion 

One of the most meaningful mental health resolutions is committing to regular self-care and self-compassion practices[3]Carving out time specifically for activities that nourish your mind, body, and spirit bolsters emotional reserves to cope with life’s inevitable stressors. 

Effective self-care practices include sufficient sleep, healthy nutrition, physical activity, nature exposure, pleasurable hobbies, relaxation techniques, human connection, and acts of kindness[3]Determine which self-care strategies resonate most and integrate them into your daily and weekly routines. 

Equally important is speaking to yourself with kindness, patience, and encouragement rather than criticism. Self-compassion helps normalize imperfections and fosters resilience when confronting challenges. Make it a resolution to be your own best ally. 

Here’s a case study on self-regulatory goal motivational processes in sustained New Year resolution pursuit and mental well-being. 

Key points of the case study[3]

  • The study examined whether goal flexibility and tenacity predict the sustained pursuit of New Year resolutions and mental well-being over time. 
  • Goal flexibility was defined as the ability to adjust goals in the face of setbacks, while goal tenacity referred to persistence despite obstacles. 
  • 182 participants completed measures of goal flexibility, tenacity, and well-being at baseline and follow-ups over 2 months. 
  • Goal flexibility independently predicted greater well-being across time points, supporting predictions. However, goal tenacity did not predict well-being. 
  • Goal flexibility predicted sustained pursuit of resolutions at one-time point as predicted, but goal tenacity did not predict sustained pursuit. 
  • The interaction between flexibility and tenacity did not significantly predict well-being or sustained resolution pursuit, contrary to predictions. 
  • Most resolutions focused on diet and exercise and were described in general rather than specific terms. 
  • The findings suggest goal flexibility promotes wellbeing but people generally do not stick with New Year’s resolutions in the long-term.

In summary, the study found goal flexibility predicted mental well-being over time as anticipated, but goal tenacity did not, and neither consistently predicted sustained resolution pursuit contrary to expectations. 

Set Healthy Boundaries 

Another impactful mental health resolution is identifying areas where stronger boundaries are needed in your relationships and work obligations[4]Taking on too many responsibilities for others while neglecting your own needs is an unsustainable pattern resulting in resentment, stress, and burnout. 

Reflect on your tendency to say “yes” when you really want to say “no” and resolve to set clear expectations with others about your limits[4]Learn to say “no” to non-essential demands on your time and energy from friends, family, coworkers, and supervisors. You alone are responsible for safeguarding your mental health – set boundaries accordingly. 

Adopt Healthy Thinking Patterns 

Since thoughts influence emotions, resolving to adopt healthier thinking patterns can profoundly impact your mood, outlook, and resilience[5]

Identify any cognitive distortions or self-defeating attitudes that fueled anxiety, sadness, or frustration this past year. These may include all-or-nothing thinking, jumping to conclusions, catastrophic thoughts, or excessive worry. 

Actively challenge these irrational perspectives and consciously shift to more constructive thinking patterns[5]. This may involve reframing situations from a place of optimism, problem-solving ruminative thoughts, or balancing extremes with moderation. 

See a therapist or coach specializing in cognitive-behavioral therapy for help identifying and changing counterproductive thought patterns if this is an ongoing struggle. Their guidance can set you on the path toward balanced, realistic thinking that supports mental wellness. 

Make Your Health a Priority 

Resolving to prioritize health is foundational for all other mental health goals. Our physical, mental, and emotional states are intrinsically connected – neglecting wellness on one level negatively impacts the others[6]

Evaluate your current health habits with radical honesty. Consider nutrition, activity levels, substance use, medical compliance, and stress management.

Pinpoint your biggest wellness deficiencies and set specific goals for improvement. This may mean adopting a consistent fitness routine, following a balanced nutrition plan, reducing alcohol intake, taking prescribed medications, or blocking time for de-stressing[6]

Enlist any necessary professional support from doctors, therapists, or health coaches to establish sustainable healthy lifestyle changes. You alone are responsible for prioritizing your well-being. 

Cultivate Healthy Social Connections 

Meaningful social connections are vital for combating loneliness and building resilience against life’s inevitable disappointments. Research confirms that social isolation and loneliness significantly increase the risk for anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and health problems[7]

Reflect on your current social life and relationships. Do you have fulfilling friendships offering intimate emotional support? Or do most interactions lack depth and vulnerability? 

Use these insights to set social resolutions for the year ahead. This may involve dedicating regular one-on-one time with existing friends, expanding your social circle to meet new people, or deepening levels of communication with loved ones for mutual understanding and care[7]

If relocation, family/work demands, or other circumstances outside your control contribute to loneliness, explore ways to foster community virtually. Shared experiences provide a connection – whether online or in person. 

Seek Additional Treatment If Needed 

While self-help strategies can enhance day-to-day mental well-being, some individuals require more intensive treatment. One of the most courageous mental health resolutions is acknowledging when psychotherapy, medication, or both are needed to achieve emotional stability and happiness. 

If you experienced minimal relief from depressive, anxious, or intrusive thoughts this past year despite self-care efforts, make seeking professional support a priority for 2024. Consult with a licensed mental health provider about evidence-based interventions personalized for your situation. 

While still stigmatized, anxiety, depression, and other common mental health disorders respond well to modern treatment protocols. You deserve compassionate, holistic care specific to your needs. Discuss options confidentially with a professional and commit to recommended therapeutic lifestyle changes.

Prepare a Support System 

Discussing your mental health resolutions with trusted friends and family members helps solidify commitment and provides an invaluable support network when challenges arise[2]

Share which specific areas of mental well-being you want to cultivate in 2024 and how your loved ones can cheer you on[2]Also discuss how they can best support you during periods of stress, uncertainty, or crisis. 

Knowing your intentions and preparing a backup plan if emotional stability wavers strengthen relationships and remind you that help is readily available. We all need a little encouragement along the journey. 

Anticipate and Address Setbacks 

Despite best intentions, setbacks commonly occur when implementing lifestyle changes. Periodically encountering obstacles does not equate to failure, but merely signals needed adjustments in strategy[8]

When setting mental health resolutions, realistically anticipate potential setbacks based on past experiences with behavior change[8]. Explore probable barriers that could impede your goals and proactively prepare solutions. 

If perfectionist tendencies drive frustration when stumbling, remind yourself that progress isn’t linear. Patience and compassion are key. Talk to supportive friends about constructive perspectives for managing perceived “slip-ups” without self-judgment. 

Developing sustainable habits conducive for mental wellness takes time and commitment. With thoughtful planning and self-forgiveness, you can make and sustain changes that allow you to flourish in the year ahead. 


The new year presents the perfect opportunity to assess your mental health landscape and intentionally cultivate greater emotional well-being in areas needing improvement. Rather than waiting until mental strain reaches critical levels, be proactive by setting specific, measurable resolutions focused on self-care, healthy thinking patterns, and fulfilling relationships. 

This preventative approach sets you on course for increased happiness and resilience as you enter a new chapter. 

Commit to making your mental health a priority in 2024 alongside other personal goals. Reflect on past challenges and triumphs regarding emotional regulation to guide resolutions that nurture

inner peace and balance. You deserve compassionate self-care that addresses your unique needs so you can thrive while making meaningful contributions personally and professionally. 

The new year awaits your vision – shape it wisely. 


[1] Dickson, Joanne M et al. “Adaptive Goal Processes and Underlying Motives That Sustain Mental Wellbeing and New Year Exercise Resolutions.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 20,2 901. 4 Jan. 2023, doi:10.3390/ijerph40020901 

[2] Oscarsson, Martin et al. “A large-scale experiment on New Year’s resolutions: Approach-oriented goals are more successful than avoidance-oriented goals.” PloS one vol. 15,12 e0234097. 9 Dec. 2020, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234097 

[3] Dickson, Joanne M et al. “Self-Regulatory Goal Motivational Processes in Sustained New Year Resolution Pursuit and Mental Wellbeing.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 18,6 3084. 17 Mar. 2021, doi:10.3390/ijerph18063084 

[4] Brooks, Beth A. “Managing Holiday Stress, Starting the New Year Well.” Nurse Leader 17.6 (2019): 483-484. 

[5] Moshontz, Hannah. “Understanding Ordinary Goal Pursuit: Describing and Predicting Success in New Year’s Resolutions.” (2020). 

[6] Ostrow, Ellen. “New Year’s Resolutions: Resolutions for Your Personal Life.” GPSolo 30 (2013): 37. 

[7] Höchli, Bettina, Adrian Brügger, and Claude Messner. “Making New Year’s resolutions that stick: Exploring how superordinate and subordinate goals motivate goal pursuit.” Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 12.1 (2020): 30-52. 

[8] Haslem, Heather. “8 Steps for Supporting Yourself and Others in Achieving New Year’s Resolutions.”

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