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The Role of Nutrition in Athletic Performance and Recovery

The Role of Nutrition in Athletic Performance and Recovery

The Role of Nutrition in Athletic Performance and Recovery

Proper nutrition plays a critical role in athletic performance and recovery. Athletes who fuel appropriately see improved endurance, strength, power, speed, and overall performance. Additionally, the right nutrition aids recovery by reducing muscle damage and soreness. This allows athletes to train and compete at higher intensities more frequently.

This article explores key dietary considerations for athletes including macronutrient recommendations, hydration guidelines, timing of intake, as well as specific needs around competition and recovery. Strategic fueling and supplementation can give athletes a competitive edge by enhancing adaptations to training.

Carbohydrates – The Primary Fuel for Activity

Carbohydrates are the primary nutrient used to fuel activity[1]. During digestion, carbs break down into glucose and glycogen which circulate through the blood to muscles and tissues. As intensity increases, your body relies more heavily on carbs as its go-to energy source[1].

When stores run low, you may hit “the wall” where your body is forcing you to slow down. Balancing carb intake allows you to optimize the availability of glucose and glycogen to match demands.

The Recommendation: Experts recommend endurance athletes consume 6-10 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight daily[1]. For a 150-pound athlete, that’s about 450-750 grams of carbs each day[1]. Spread these carbs out over meals and snacks throughout the day for sustained energy. Focus on nutrient-dense, high-quality sources like whole grains, fruits, starchy vegetables, and legumes. Limit added sugars.

Protein for Building, Repair, and Recovery

Protein is essential after exercise to rebuild damaged muscle fibers. When we strength train, we create microtears in muscles that prompt the body to repair and reinforce those tissues[2]. This is how we get bigger, stronger, and faster over time. Protein provides the amino acids for this muscle protein synthesis (MPS) to occur.

The Recommendation: Aim for 0.5 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily as an athlete[2]. Spread this out over breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Great protein sources include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds, and soy foods. Try to consume 20-40 grams of protein post-workout to maximize MPS response[3].

Healthy Fats for Energy, Hormones, and More

While less prominent as workout fuel, dietary fats play key roles in hormones, brain function, fuel utilization, inflammation, and more[4]. They’re a key part of any athlete’s balanced diet. Healthy fats may also boost endurance capacity when paired with carbs.

The Recommendation: Dietary fats should make up 20-35% of your total daily calorie intake[4]. Limit saturated and trans fats which can promote inflammation. Prioritize heart-healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, nuts, seeds, fatty fish, nut butter, and full-fat dairy. These nourish your body better[4].

Proper Hydration is Non-Negotiable

Dehydration can severely hinder both health and performance. Even mild water loss can result in decreased strength, speed, and endurance. Overheating risk also climbs. Plus, our brains operate optimally when properly hydrated. For all these reasons, maintaining fluid balance is essential.

The Recommendation: Drink enough fluid to urine that is light yellow or clear in color. Aim for 5-10 mL per kilogram body weight 4 hours before exercise[5][6]. Drink 0.5–1 cup everyc 15–20 min during intense activity depending on sweat rate, heat/humidity, and individual factors[7]. Water is best for rehydration, but sports drinks can provide fuel from carbs and electrolytes lost in sweat.

Nourish Your Body Before, During, and After Activity

When and what you eat matters for performance. Properly fueling around workouts provides the raw materials your body requires while also supporting recovery. Here’s a simple overview[8][9]:


  • Eat 1-4 hours before exercise
  • Focus on carbs and protein
  • Hydrate well
  • Example meals: oatmeal and eggs; peanut butter sandwich; fruit and yogurt

During Long Sessions

  • Fuel hourly if longer than 60-90 minutes
  • Consume 30-60 grams carbs per hour
  • Hydrate with water or sports drinks
  • Examples: energy gels, bars, blocks, bananas, sports drinks


  • Eat 0-60 minutes after exercise
  • Focus on high protein and high carb foods
  • Hydrate well with water and electrolytes
  • Examples: chocolate milk, smoothies, sandwich, cheese and crackers

Supplements Can Enhance Performance

While whole foods should form the foundation of any athlete’s diet, strategic supplementation can provide performance-enhancing and recovery benefits. Some popular options include[10]:

  • Whey protein – Fast-digesting milk protein supports MPS.
  • Creatine – Boosts strength and power output.
  • Caffeine – Improves perceived exertion and mental alertness. Use judiciously.
  • Beta-alanine – Delays onset of muscular fatigue during intense bouts.
  • Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) – Preserves muscle glycogen stores for later and reduces mental fatigue.

Of course, appropriate safety and ethical usage applies to any supplement or performance aid. Their efficacy also depends heavily on an already solid foundation of training, nutrition, rest, and lifestyle optimization.

Athletes should seek advice from a sports nutritionist or healthcare professional to tailor their supplement use to their specific needs and ensure compliance with competition regulations.

The Best Diets Include Variety, Micro- and Macronutrients

There is no universally perfect athlete’s diet, but several patterns consistently support optimal performance. The ideal eating plan provides a balanced spread of quality protein, carbs, and fats from various wholesome foods. It also ensures adequate vitamin, mineral, and phytonutrient intake to support health. Diets too heavily constrained or fixated on singular food groups often fail to meet needs. Variety, moderation, and individualization remain key ingredients for success[11].

Here are some athlete-friendly dietary patterns to consider:

  • Mediterranean – Emphasizes “good fats”, lean protein, fruits and vegetables, and whole grains[12].
  • Flexitarian – Vegetarian diet with occasional meat. Excellent variety but ensure sufficient protein[13].
  • Paleolithic – Focuses on meat, seafood, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. May have digestive and recovery benefits[14].
  • Intermittent Fasting – Condensing feeding window may assist some athletes with body composition and recovery[15]. Use carefully.

There is no “perfect diet”, but focusing on nutrient density, variety, micronutrients, digestion, and personalization goes a long way. Work with a qualified sports dietician or nutritionist to tailor the ideal eating plan for your sport, training level, periodization phase, and body.

For athletes, a balanced diet is not just about physical performance; it also plays a significant role in injury prevention, long-term health, and mental well-being.


In many ways, athletes are biohackers – constantly striving for mental, physiological, and performance enhancement from available tools and resources. Diet remains one of the most basic, yet powerful methods to promote body, brain, and training optimization if used strategically. Pay attention to timing, quality, and proportions of macronutrients.

Support micronutrition through a colorful balanced whole food diet and supplements as needed. Don’t underestimate hydration. Experiment to find the optimal fueling approach before, during, and after specific workouts.

Adjust and continually refine based on experience, changing needs, feedback, and knowledge. With consistency over time, the dietary choices an athlete makes can push fitness and athletic performance to new heights. 


[1] “A Sports Dietitian on What to Eat for Long-Distance Running.” Home, 2023,

[2] “Protein Intake for Athletes.” MSU Extension, 14 Feb. 2017,

[3] Moore, Daniel R. “Maximizing Post-exercise Anabolism: The Case for Relative Protein Intakes.” Frontiers in nutrition vol. 6 147. 10 Sep. 2019, doi:10.3389/fnut.2019.00147

[4] Liu, Ann G et al. “A healthy approach to dietary fats: understanding the science and taking action to reduce consumer confusion.” Nutrition journal vol. 16,1 53. 30 Aug. 2017, doi:10.1186/s12937-017-0271-4

[5] Sport, NSCA’s. “Hydration and Performance.”, NSCA, 3 June 2019,

[6] Vitale, Kenneth, and Andrew Getzin. “Nutrition and Supplement Update for the Endurance Athlete: Review and Recommendations.” Nutrients vol. 11,6 1289. 7 Jun. 2019, doi:10.3390/nu11061289

[7] “Heat and Exercise.” Campus Health, 28 Sept. 2021,

[8] Rothschild, Jeffrey A et al. “What Should I Eat before Exercise? Pre-Exercise Nutrition and the Response to Endurance Exercise: Current Prospective and Future Directions.” Nutrients vol. 12,11 3473. 12 Nov. 2020, doi:10.3390/nu12113473

[9] Outlaw, Jordan J et al. “Effects of a pre-and post-workout protein-carbohydrate supplementin trained crossfit individuals.” SpringerPlus vol. 3 369. 21 Jul. 2014, doi:10.1186/2193-1801-3-369

[10] Williams, Melvin H. “Dietary Supplements and Sports Performance: Introduction and Vitamins.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, vol. 1, no. 2, Springer Science+Business Media, Dec. 2004,

[11] Savarino, Giovanni et al. “Macronutrient balance and micronutrient amounts through growth and development.” Italian journal of pediatrics vol. 47,1 109. 8 May. 2021, doi:10.1186/s13052-021-01061-0

[12] Castro-Quezada, Itandehui et al. “The Mediterranean diet and nutritional adequacy: a review.” Nutrients vol. 6,1 231-48. 3 Jan. 2014, doi:10.3390/nu6010231

[13] Clinic, Cleveland. “What Is the Flexitarian Diet?” Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, 25 May 2021,

[14] Singh, Annapoorna, and Daulath Singh. “The Paleolithic Diet.” Cureus vol. 15,1 e34214. 25 Jan. 2023, doi:10.7759/cureus.34214

[15] Song, Dae-Kyu, and Yong-Woon Kim. “Beneficial effects of intermittent fasting: a narrative review.” Journal of Yeungnam medical science vol. 40,1 (2023): 4-11.

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