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The One Breakfast Food That Could Save Your Day (And Your Waistline)

The One Breakfast Food That Could Save Your Day (And Your Waistline)

The One Breakfast Food That Could Save Your Day (And Your Waistline) 

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But with seemingly endless breakfast options to choose from, how do you know which one will give you the energy, nutrition, and satisfaction to power through your morning? Well, there’s one simple, affordable, and delicious breakfast food that research shows can help boost your energy, improve your focus, control your appetite, and even support weight loss efforts. That superstar breakfast food is eggs. 

Why Eggs Are the Perfect Breakfast Food 

There are so many reasons why eggs can be the perfect way to start your day. Here are some of the top benefits of making eggs part of your morning routine[1][2][3]

Packed with Protein 

Eggs are one of the best sources of protein you can eat. Just two large eggs contain 12 grams of high-quality protein to help you feel energized and full. Protein is digested more slowly than carbohydrates, providing a steady supply of energy to help you power through the morning. Protein also helps regulate ghrelin, the hunger hormone, keeping you satisfied for longer after eating. 

For example, here are the key findings comparing an egg-based breakfast to a carbohydrate-rich bagel breakfast from the study[6]

  • Subjects consumed fewer calories at an ad libitum lunch buffet after the EGG (egg) breakfast compared to the BAGEL breakfast (P < 0.01). 
  • Subjects consumed more calories in the 24-hour period after the BAGEL breakfast compared to the EGG breakfast (P < 0.05). 
  • Based on visual analog scales (VAS), subjects reported being hungrier and less satisfied 3 hours after the BAGEL breakfast compared to the EGG breakfast (P < 0.01). 
  • Participants had a higher plasma glucose area under the curve (AUC) as well as an increased ghrelin and insulin AUC with the BAGEL breakfast compared to the EGG breakfast (P < 0.05). 
  • Ghrelin AUC was significantly suppressed after the EGG breakfast compared to the BAGEL breakfast. 

The study concluded that consumption of eggs for breakfast results in less variation of plasma glucose and insulin, a suppressed ghrelin response, and reduced energy intake

compared to a bagel breakfast. This suggests that an egg-based breakfast may be more satiating and help with appetite control and blood sugar regulation throughout the day compared to a high carbohydrate, bagel-based breakfast. 

Nutrient Powerhouses 

Eggs contain a wealth of important micronutrients like selenium, vitamin D, B vitamins, zinc, and more. They provide more essential vitamins and minerals per calorie than many other foods. One large egg has varying amounts of 16 different key nutrients that many people don’t get enough of[3]

Promote Weight Loss 

Eating eggs, especially for breakfast, may help enhance weight loss. Research has shown that people who eat eggs for breakfast feel more satisfied throughout the day and end up eating fewer calories than those who start the day with bagels or cereal[2]The protein in eggs helps control hunger and cravings leading people to eat less later in the day. 

For example, here is a summary from the study involving 152 participants: An egg breakfast, in conjunction with an energy-deficit diet, resulted in a 61% greater reduction in BMI and a 65% greater weight loss compared to a bagel breakfast[7]


Objective: The study aimed to test the hypotheses that an egg breakfast, compared to a bagel breakfast matched for energy and calories, would enhance weight loss in overweight and obese participants following a reduced-calorie diet. 

Findings: After 8 weeks, the ED group (egg breakfast with reduced-calorie diet) showed significantly greater reductions in BMI (-0.95+/-0.82 vs -0.59+/-0.85, P<0.05), weight (-2.63+/-2.33 vs -1.59+/-2.38 kg, P<0.05), and waist circumference (P<0.06) compared to the BD group (bagel breakfast with reduced-calorie diet). The ED group also had a greater reduction in percent body fat but it was not statistically significant (P=not significant). No significant differences were found between the E group (egg breakfast without dietary changes) and the B group (bagel breakfast without dietary changes). Cholesterol and lipids did not differ between the groups. 

Conclusion: The study concluded that an egg breakfast enhances weight loss when combined with an energy-deficit diet, but does not induce weight loss without dietary changes. Including eggs in a weight management program may offer a nutritious way to enhance weight loss. 

Improve Brain Function

The protein and micronutrients in eggs are important for maintaining optimal brain function and sharpness. Choline, in particular, is crucial for memory, learning, concentration, and reaction time. Just 2 eggs provide more than half of the choline you need in a day. 

Contains Beneficial Fats 

Eggs got a bad reputation because of their cholesterol content. However, dietary cholesterol has little effect on blood cholesterol for most people. Instead, eggs contain beneficial polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that can help lower disease risk. 

Affordable & Versatile 

Eggs are one of the most affordable sources of high-quality nutrition you can buy, especially when compared to similarly nutritious breakfast foods. And they are endlessly versatile – you can boil, poach, scramble, or bake them in countless combinations so you never get bored. 

Types of Eggs & How To Cook Them 

The most common types of eggs you’ll encounter are white and brown eggs. But despite their color differences, nutritionally they are almost identical. The color simply comes from the breed of hen. You may also see options like organic, free-range, pasture-raised, or omega-3-enriched eggs, which can impact the nutrient content. 

No matter what type of egg you choose, there are lots of great ways to cook them! Here are some easy methods for making eggs part of your morning[4][5]

Scrambled Eggs 

Scrambled eggs make a quick, protein-packed breakfast. Simply crack eggs into a bowl with a bit of milk or cream, season with salt and pepper, and whisk until fully combined. Melt a bit of butter in a pan over medium-low heat. Pour in the eggs and stir frequently with a spatula as they begin setting to form soft, fluffy curds. Remove from heat just before eggs reach your desired doneness. Light and fluffy scrambled eggs take just 5 minutes to make! 

Fried Eggs 

Fried eggs are a breakfast classic loved for their hot, runny yolks. Heat oil or butter in a skillet. Carefully crack an egg into the pan and let cook untouched until the edges are set and the yolk begins to thicken but is still runny about 2-3 minutes. If you prefer a fully-set yolk, flip the egg and fry the other side. Fried eggs pair perfectly with toast, avocado, bacon, and more. 

Poached Eggs

For the perfect protein-packed meal starter, try poaching eggs. Fill a skillet with 2-3 inches of water and bring to a bare simmer. Crack an egg into a small bowl, then gently pour it into the water. Let cook for 3-4 minutes until the whites are firm and the yolk is still runny. Carefully remove with a slotted spoon. Poached eggs can transform salads and veggie-packed bowls into satisfying meals. 

Hard-Boiled Eggs 

Make a batch of hard-boiled eggs to enjoy all week long. Place eggs in a pot and cover with 1 inch of cool water. Bring to a boil then immediately remove from heat, cover, and let sit 12 minutes. Transfer eggs to an ice bath until cooled. Hard-boiled eggs can be eaten as-is for an easy protein snack or used in other dishes like egg salad sandwiches. 

Baked or “Coddled” Eggs 

For the convenience of hard-boiled with the runny richness of a poached egg, try coddling eggs. Grease eight ramekins with butter and crack one egg into each dish. Season the eggs with salt and pepper, then place the ramekins on a baking sheet. Bake at 350°F for 15-18 minutes, until the whites are set but the yolks are still runny. The gentle baking process allows the eggs to cook through without toughness. Enjoy coddled eggs hot from the oven for a convenient breakfast or appetizer with toasted bread for dipping in the rich egg yolks. 

Perfect Egg Breakfast Recipes 

Eggs are delicious on their own but pair even better with other healthy ingredients. Try out these balanced breakfast recipes that let the versatility of eggs shine: 

Veggie Scramble 

Whip up this veggie scramble for a satisfying meatless start to your day. Simply cook chopped veggies like peppers, greens, and onions in olive oil until just tender. Pour in beaten eggs and scramble everything together. The veggies add fiber, vitamins, and bulk so you stay full. Serve with avocado, salsa, and warm corn tortillas. 

Breakfast Sandwich 

For days when you need a meal-in-one hand to fuel your busy morning, make this protein-packed breakfast sandwich. Toast an English muffin half while you fry an egg. Layer on Canadian bacon, spinach, and tomato, and top with the fried egg and muffin half to make a perfectly balanced breakfast. 

Loaded Baked Sweet Potato

Baked sweet potatoes make the ultimate nourishing base for a breakfast egg bowl. Cook sweet potatoes ahead and reheat before topping with sautéed veggies, black beans, salsa, avocado, and a fried egg. This fiber and protein-rich combo will keep you satisfied all morning long. 

Veggie Frittata 

A frittata is a protein and produce-packed breakfast casserole perfect for meal prepping. Whisk eggs with milk and bake with carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and cheese for an easy make-ahead option. Cut into wedges and reheat throughout the week. 

Green Breakfast Smoothie 

Blend up this green egg smoothie for a refreshing and satisfying liquid breakfast. Just put spinach, banana, milk, peanut butter, ground flax, and an egg in a blender and puree until smooth. The egg adds a boost of staying power so you won’t get hungry an hour later like with carb-heavy smoothies. 

Tips for Making Eggs Part of Your Routine 

While eggs can be an amazing breakfast when you have time to cook, not every morning allows for whipping up elaborate dishes. Here are some great tips for making eggs a consistent part of your morning ritual: 

Prep Ahead 

Save time and effort during busy mornings by prepping some hard-boiled eggs at the start of the week. Store them cooked, in-shell in the fridge and grab for a quick high-protein snack. Having grab-and-go egg muffins or frittata slices in the freezer makes enjoying eggs fast. 

Choose Simple Cook Methods 

Poached, fried, scrambled, and baked eggs are all ready in under 10 minutes. You don’t need complicated recipes to reap the benefits – even just egg and toast can be a nourishing breakfast. 

Pair with Convenient Foods 

Breakfast meats like pre-cooked bacon or sausage, pre-washed greens and sliced veggies, canned beans, and pre-cooked potatoes can all make assembling egg breakfasts faster. Stock up on these items so pulling together meals is easy. 

Wake Up 10 Minutes Earlier

If you currently run out the door without eating, try getting up just 10 minutes earlier to have time to cook – and actually enjoy – a healthy egg breakfast. Those 10 minutes can nourish your body and brain to help the entire day go better. 

Try Meal Prep “Hybrid” Days 

When mornings are just too busy, turn to pre-made breakfasts. But on less hectic days, batch-cook eggs and other ingredients to stock your fridge with quick egg meal components. Mixing some prep with convenience is a great long-term strategy. 

Starting your day with protein-packed eggs can help you feel energized, sharp, and satisfied hour after hour. With so many great ways to enjoy them, eggs can be the perfect breakfast food to optimize how you feel and function. Make time for eggs a few mornings a week and see if your mood, focus, and appetite don’t dramatically improve. Give the incredible edible egg a chance to upgrade your day! 


[1] “9 Health Benefits of Eating Eggs for Breakfast.” Keck Medicine of USC, 23 Nov. 2022, 

[2] B Keogh, Jennifer, and Peter M Clifton. “Energy Intake and Satiety Responses of Eggs for Breakfast in Overweight and Obese Adults-A Crossover Study.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 17,15 5583. 3 Aug. 2020, 


[3] “Eggs.” The Nutrition Source, 18 Sept. 2012,

[4] Papanikolaou, Yanni, and Victor L Fulgoni 3rd. “Increasing Egg Consumption at Breakfast Is Associated with Increased Usual Nutrient Intakes: A Modeling Analysis Using NHANES and the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program School Breakfast Guidelines.” Nutrients vol. 13,4 1379. 20 Apr. 2021, doi:10.3390/nu13041379 

[5] Puglisi, Michael J, and Maria Luz Fernandez. “The Health Benefits of Egg Protein.” Nutrients vol. 14,14 2904. 15 Jul. 2022, doi:10.3390/nu14142904 

[6] Ratliff, Joseph, et al. “Consuming Eggs for Breakfast Influences Plasma Glucose and Ghrelin, While Reducing Energy Intake during the next 24 Hours in Adult Men.” Nutrition Research, vol. 30, no. 2, Elsevier BV, Feb. 2010, pp. 96–103,

[7] Vander Wal, J S et al. “Egg breakfast enhances weight loss.” International journal of obesity (2005) vol. 32,10 (2008): 1545-51. doi:10.1038/ijo.2008.130

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